September 14, 2009

Religion News for 9/14/2009

Hello readers! On today in 1975, Elizabeth Ann Seton was canonized, becoming the first native-born American saint. In religion news today:

  • Frequent pro-life protester James Poullion was killed on Friday. (Politics Daily-1-2)
  • Congressman Keith Ellison, D-Minn., is the country's first Muslim congressman. He had a few interesting comments for the Religion Newswriters Association. (Articles of Faith)
  • Indonesia's Aceh province has approved stoning to death for adultery and other harsh punishments for what some lawmakers see as amoral. Human rights activists, including the gay community, are protesting. (SFGate)
  • Atheists and agnostics held a conference in Indianapolis over the weekend. (Louisville Courier-Journal)
And it's not news, but I thought this column in Sojourners was pretty poignant.

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