September 16, 2009

Religion News for 9/16/2009

Hello readers! Today marks the 1843 death of Ezekiel Hart, the first Jew elected to representative office in the British Empire. And today in religion news...
  • David Gibson at Politics Daily does an exceptional job at delineating the statements of official Catholics on the issue of healthcare reform. DC's Archbishop Wuerl has also published a column on the issue. (PD, 2)
  • The government of the Philippines and Muslim separatists from the south of that country are working towards peace, and allowing international monitoring. (AP)
  • Anti-abortion group Operation Rescue is "completely out of money," according to OR president Troy Newman. One abortion provider previously targeted by them isn't so sure. (KC Star)
  • Cuba is now allowing religious services in its prisons. (Reuters FaithWorld)

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